Home > MangAI, Projects > MangAI notice about installing ImageMagick v7

MangAI notice about installing ImageMagick v7

Attention MangAI users:
When you update to ImageMagick version 7, make sure to tick the box “Install legacy utlities (e.g. convert)” during installation. IM v7 changed the way its executables are organized, and without these legacy utilities, MangAI will give you an error about not being able to find ImageMagick.

If I get healthy enough to work on MangAI again, I can update the program to use the new IM executables structure.

Categories: MangAI, Projects
  1. Miguel
    December 22nd, 2016 at 14:06 | #1

    Thanks for this tip, I was having trouble. This help me.

    Best vibes for soon recovery.

