MangAI v1.06 released
New to version 1.06:
-AI improvements to MPM and MSM interpretation
Better able to detect unspecified spans (1112 meaning 11-12).
Better able to detect when a hyphen does not indicate a span (50-200 is two separate numbers 50 and 200 instead of span 50 through 200).
Improved ability of MPM to find non-delineated chapter spans (foo_v3_15-20 is likely volume 3, chapters 15-20).
MSM interpretation is automatically disabled for folders with low confidence. This usually happens for small folders of scanlator notes or fanart. In these cases, it is better to sort using basic filename string comparison.
Improved MSM handling of special scan overspecification (p3_notes.jpeg is probably better placed between p3.jpeg and p4.jpeg instead of near the end of the volume/chapter since it likely explains something just read in p3.jpeg).
Various logic tweaks.
-Overhauled epub creation code
Tweaked the basic structure of created epub files so that they (hopefully) display better across all devices.
Download the latest version from the MangAI project page.